- Install Visual Studio 2010
- Install VS2010 SP1. (http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/confirmation.aspx?id=23691)
2. Get qt source code
Doload qt 4.8.5 from following address.
Decompress qt source code at D:\qt-4.8.5
3. Add path
Add D:\qt-4.8.5\bin to the Path variable
4. Run Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt
Execute following commands in the VS command prompt:
cd D:\qt-4.8.5 configure –opensource -confirm-license –no-qt3support –debug –webkit –platform win32-msvc2010Wait few minutes.
Remove the illegal quote characters “ and ” at line 327 in
D:\qt-4.8.5\src\3rdparty\webkit\Source\WebCore\platform\DefaultLocalizationStrategy.cpp if VC stops compiling this file.
Execute following command in the VS command prompt:
5. Debug Webkit
Use VC 2010 to open and build D:\qt-4.8.5\src\3rdparty\webkit\Source\Webkit.sln
Set QtWebkit as start project.
Right click on QtWebkit project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Set Command as C:\qt-4.8.5\examples\webkit\fancybrowser\debug\fancybrowser.exe
Start Debugging. (F5)
My operating system is Windows 7 (64bits).
Thank you for this.