We have to get full file path from current directory if we are using CreateFile api to open a file.
wchar_t* fileName = L"\\test.txt";
// get current directory
char currentDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
getcwd(currentDirectory, MAX_PATH);
// convert from char to wchar_t
const size_t size = sizeof(currentDirectory) / sizeof(char);
wchar_t filePath[size];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, currentDirectory, size, filePath, size);
// concatenate file path and file name
wchar_t* fileFullPath = new wchar_t[sizeof(filePath)+sizeof(fileName)+1];
wcscpy(fileFullPath, filePath);
wcscat(fileFullPath, fileName);
delete[] fileFullPath;
Then, you can follow the example below to open the file.